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​       Sodium Appetite references in red

  • Santollo J, Daniels D, Leshem M, Schulkin J. Sex Differences in Salt Appetite: Perspectives from Animal Models and Human Studies. Nutrients. 2023 Jan 1;15(1):208. doi: 10.3390/nu15010208. PMID: 36615865; PMCID: PMC9824138.

  • Leshem M, Shaul S. Vegans, vegetarians and omnivores differ in nutrient hedonics, salt and sweet preference and flavouring. Physiol Behav. 2022 Oct 15;255:113936. doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2022.113936. Epub 2022 Aug 2. PMID: 35931195.

  • Roseriet Beijers, Anat Scher, Hanit Ohana, Ayala Maayan-Metzger, Micah Leshem. Exposure to War prior to Conception: Maternal Emotional Distress forecasts Sex-specific Child Behavior Problems. In: Special Issue "Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders: Sociobiological and Intergenerational Predictors, Interventions, and Outcomes. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. . 2022 Mar 23;19(7):3802. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19073802. PMID: 35409484; PMCID: PMC8997367.

  • Zev Manevitz, Micah Leshem, Yuval Heled, Yoram Epstein, Barak Gershon, Einat Kodesh (2021) Exertional sodium loss does not increase immediate salt appetite or dietary sodium intake in athletes. Appetite, DOI:

  • Salt need needs investigation, Leshem M. British J Nutrition, 2020 123, 1312–1320
    Acculturation of immigrant diet, basic taste responses and sodium appetite. Leshem M, Dessie-Navon H. J Nutr Sci. 2018 Jul 25;7:e21. doi: 10.1017/jns.2018.12

  • Body Image drawings dissociate ethnic differences and anorexia in adolescent girls. Galit Goldzak-Kunik, & Micah Leshem (2017) Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health. DOI : 10.1186/s13034-017-0150-y

  • Micah Leshem (2017) Salt Appetite is not increased in summer heat. Appetite 108: 28-31.

  • Shachar-Dadon A, Gueron-Sela N, Weintraub Z, Maayan-Metzger A, Leshem M. (2016) Pre-Conception War Exposure and Mother and Child Adjustment 4 Years Later. J Abnorm Child Psychol. 2016 Apr 15. [Epub ahead of print]

  • Micah Leshem (2015). Does salt increase thirst. Appetite, 85:70–75.

  • Joerg Bock, Julia Poeschel, Julia Schindler, Florian Boerner, Alice Schachar-Dadon, Neta Ferdman, Inna Geisler-Solomon, Micah Leshem, Katharina Anna Braun. Gerd Poeggel (2016) Transgenerational sex-specific impact of preconception stress on the development of dendritic spines and dendritic length in the medial prefrontal cortex. Brain Structure and Function. 221(2):855-63. doi: 10.1007/s00429-014-0940-4. Epub 2014 Nov 14

  • Khadeja Hendi, Micah Leshem (2014) Salt appetite in the elderly. British Journal of Nutrition, 112 :621-1627.

  • Pavel Goldstein & Micah Leshem (2014) Dietary sodium, added salt, and serum sodium associations with growth and depression in the U.S. general population. Appetite, 79:83-90.

  • Micah Leshem, Wisam Sliman, Souzan Taweel, Rana Shamshoum & Zaher Armaly. (2014) Patient mood flux on- and off-hemodialysis. Hemodialysis International, 18:488–494.

  • Micah Leshem. (2014). The human penchant for deranged salt balance. In: Neurobiology of body fluid homeostasis (transduction and integration). Eds: De Luca L, Menani JV, Johnson AK. Taylor & Francis Group. Series: Frontiers in Neuroscience Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press; 2014. Chapter 1.

  • Hiba Zaidan, Micah Leshem, Inna Gaisler-Salomon (2013) Prereproductive stress to female rats alters CRF1 expression in ova, and behavior and brain CRF1 expression in offspring. Biological Psychiatry, 74:680-7.

  • Goldzak-Kunik, G., Friedman, R., Spitz, M., Sandler, L., & Micah Leshem (2012) Intact Sensory Function In Anorexia Nervosa. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 95:272-82.

  • Micah Leshem & Jay Schulkin (2012) Transgenerational effects of infantile adversity & enrichment in male & female rats. Developmental Psychobiology, 54:169- 86.

  • Ricon T, Toth E, Leshem M, Braun K, & Richter-Levin G. (2012) Mild stress impairs coping abilities in adult rats but promotes resilience in juveniles. Stress, 54:169-86.

  • Micah Leshem. (2011) Low dietary sodium is anxiogenic in rats. Physiology & Behavior, 103, 453-458.

  • Goldzak-Kunik & Leshem, M. (2010) Sensory function is not compromised in anorexia nervosa. Psychoactualia, , 66-67 (Hebrew).

  • Verd, S., Amat, J.N., Gich, I., & Leshem, M. (2010) Salt preference of nursing mothers is associated with earlier cessation of exclusive breastfeeding. Appetite, Feb;54(1):233-6.

  • Micah Leshem (2009) The excess salt appetite of humans is not due to sodium loss in adulthood. Physiology & Behavior, 98, 331–337.

  • Micah Leshem (2009). Biobehavior of the human love of salt. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 33, 1-17.

  • Shachar-Dadon, A.. Schulkin, J. Leshem, M. (2009) Adversity before conception will affect adult progeny in rats. Developmental Psychology, 45, 9-16.

  • Bock J, Murmu RP, Ferdman N, Leshem M, Braun K. (2008) Refinement of dendritic and synaptic networks in the rodent anterior cingulate and orbitofrontal cortex: Critical impact of early and late social experience. Developmental Neurobiology, 68:685-95.

  • Erika Toth, Avi Avital, Micah Leshem, Gal Richter-Levin and Katharina Braun (2008). Neonatal and juvenile stress induces changes in adult social behavioral strategies without affecting cognitive function. Behavioural Brain Research, 190:135-9.

  • Micah Leshem, Amany Saadi, Nesreen Alem and Khadeja Hendi. (2008) Enhanced salt appetite, diet and drinking in traditional Bedouin women in the Negev. Appetite, 50: 71–82.

  • Shirazki A, Weintraub Z, Reich D, Gershon E, & Leshem M. (2007) Lowest neonatal serum sodium predicts sodium intake in low-birthweight children. American Journal of Physiology (Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology), 292(4):R1683-9.

  • Ferdman, N., Murmu, R.S., Bock, J. Braun, K. & Leshem, M. (2007) Weaning age, social isolation, and gender, interact to determine adult explorative and social behavior and dendritic spine morphology in prefrontal cortex of rats. Behavioural Brain Research 180: 174-182.

  • Leshem, M. & Sherman, M. (2006). Troubles shared are troubles halved: stress in rats is reduced in proportion to social propinquity. Physiology and Behavior, 89: 399-401

  • Omouessi, S.T., Chapleur, M., Leshem, M. & S.N. Thornton. (2006). Gender differences influence sodium intake and excretion more than obesity in Zucker rats repeatedly sodium depleted. Physiology & Behavior, 89: 576-581

  • M. Leshem, Sonia del Canho (2005) Ontogeny of urine preference and its relationship to NH4Cl preference and sodium hunger in suckling rat pups. Developmental Psychobiology. 46: 111-117.

  • Kochli, A., Rakover, Y., & M. Leshem.(2005) Salt appetite in patients with CAH-21-OH deficiency (congenital adrenal hyperplasia). American Journal of Physiology (Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology). 288(6):R1673-81.

  • Kavushansky, A. and Leshem, M. (2004) The role of oxytocin and vasopressin in the transitions of weaning in the rat. Developmental Psychobiology, 45 (4):1-9.

  • Leshem, M., A. Kavushansky, J-M. Devys, and S. Thornton (2004) Enhancement revisited: the effects of multiple depletions on sodium intake in rats vary with strain, substrain and gender. Physiology and Behavior, 82: 571-580.

  • Martin R. Yeomans, John E. Blundell and M. Leshem (2004) Palatability: response to nutritional need or need-free stimulation of appetite? British Journal of Nutrition. 92, Suppl. 1, S3–S14. Equal contributors

  • N. Wald and M. Leshem (2003) Salt conditions a flavor preference or aversion after exercise depending on NaCl dose and sweat loss. Appetite, 40: 277–284.

  • M. Leshem, Jacob Rudoy and Jay Schulkin (2003) Calcium taste preference and sensitivity in humans II: hemodialysis patients. Physiology and Behavior, 78: 409– 414.

  • M. Leshem, Tamy Katz-Levin, and Jay Schulkin (2003) Calcium taste preference and sensitivity in humans I: gender comparisons. Physiology and Behavior, 78: 403– 407.

  • M. Leshem, Tamar Levin and Jay Schulkin (2002) Intake and hedonics of calcium and sodium during pregnancy and lactation in the rat. Physiology and Behavior, 75:313-22.

  • Yoram Epstein and Leshem, M. (2002) Animal experimentation in Israel (Editorial). Harefuah 141: 358-361, 409 (Hebrew).

  • M. Leshem, Sonia Del Canho and Jay Schulkin. (1999) Calcium hunger in the parathyroidectomised rat is specific. Physiology and Behavior, 67: 555-559.

  • M. Leshem, Abutbul, A. and Eilon, R. (1999) Exercise increases the preference for salt in humans. Appetite, 32: 251-260.

  • M. Leshem, Sonia Del Canho and Jay Schulkin. (1999) Ontogeny of calcium preference in the parathyroidectomized rat. Developmental Psychobiology, 34: 293- 301.

  • M. Leshem (1999). The ontogeny of salt hunger in the rat. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 23: 649-659.

  • M. Leshem (1998) Salt preference in adolescence is predicted by common prenatal and childhood mineralofluid loss. Physiology & Behavior 63:699-704.

  • M. Leshem, Maroun, M. and Weintraub, Z. (1998) Neonatal diuretic therapy may not alter children’s preference for salt taste. Appetite 30: 53-64.

  • M. Leshem, and Y. Rudoy (1997) Hemodialysis increases the preference for salt in soup. Physiology and Behavior, 61: 65-69.

  • 33. M. Leshem. Perinatal mineralofluid loss and sodium hunger throughout life. In: Hydration Throughout Life. M.J. Arnaud (ed), John Libbey Eurotext, 1998, 153-155.

  • M. Leshem (1997) Non-surgical acute intracerebroventricular injection in rat pups and adult rats. SSIB Ingestive Behavior Protocols, Eds. P. Wellman & B. Hoebel. SSIB, New York, NY.

  • M. Leshem, M. Maroun, and S. Del Canho (1996) Sodium depletion and maternal separation in the suckling rat increase its salt intake when adult. Physiology and Behavior, 59: 199-204

  • M. Leshem, M. Neufeld, and S. Del Canho (1994) Ontogeny of the ionic specificity of sodium appetite in the rat pup. Developmental Psychobiology, 27: 381-394.

  • M. Leshem, S. Del Canho, and A.N. Epstein (1994) Intracerebro-ventricular injection of renin in the neonatal rat reveals a precocious sodium appetite that is dissociated from renin-aroused thirst. Developmental Psychobiology, 27: 185-193.

  • M. Leshem, J. Langberg, A.N. Epstein (1993) Salt appetite consequent on sodium depletion in the suckling rat pup. Developmental Psychobiology, 26: 97-114.

  • M. Leshem, and E. Yehuda. (1991) The ontogeny of salt appetite aroused by depletion in the rat. Physiology and Behavior, 49: 161-163

  • M. Leshem, Frenk, H., Coghill, R.C. and Mayer, D.J. (1991) Paradoxical opiate specific paralytic effects of high doses of intracerebroventricular etorphine and fentanyl in rats. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 38: 475-478.

  • M. Leshem, F. W. Flynn, and A. N. Epstein (1990) Brain glucoprivation and ketoprivation do not promote ingestion in the suckling rat pup. American Journal of Physiology, 258 (Regulatory Integrative Comp. Physiol. 27): R365-R375.

  • M. Leshem (1989) Cranial puncture, a simple procedure requiring no preparatory surgery: validation by observation of drinking and salt appetite evoked by intracerebroventricular renin. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 29: 151-155

  • M. Leshem and A.N. Epstein. (1989) Ontogeny of renin-induced salt appetite in the rat pup. Developmental

  • M. Leshem, and A.N. Epstein. (1988) Thirst induced anorexias and the ontogeny of thirst in the rat. Developmental Psychobiology, 21: 651-662.

  • M. Leshem, B. Boggan, A.N. Epstein. (1988) The ontogeny of drinking evoked by activation of brain angiotensin in the rat pup. Developmental Psychobiology, 21: 63-75

  • M. Leshem (1988) Morphine induces delayed anorexia in rats. Psychopharmacology 94: 254-258.

  • M. Leshem and M. Kreider. (1987) Brain serotonin depletion and attachment behavior in rat pups. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 27: 7-14.

  • M. Leshem (1984) Suppression of feeding by naloxone in rats: a dose response comparison of anorexia and conditioned taste aversion. Psychopharmacology, 82: 127-130.

  • M. Leshem (1983) Morphine enhances taste preference and aversion: Evidence for opiate mediation in reinforcement or memory. International Research Communications in Science (Medical Science), 11: 700.

  • M. Leshem (1981) Ontogeny of fenfluramine and amphetamine anorexia compared in rat pups. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, 15: 859-863.

  • M. Leshem (1981) Morphine-induced anorexia in lateral hypothalamic rats. Psychopharmacology, 75: 48-53.

  • M. Leshem (1981) A Convenient feeder for measurement of consumption of powdered food in rats. Physiology and Behavior, 27: 391-392.

  • M. Leshem (1981) The anorexic potency of drugs is differentially influenced in various rat models of feeding. International Research Communications in Science (Medical Science), 9: 111.

  • M. Leshem and Frenk, H. (1980) Lesions of the lateral hypothalamus potentiate morphine - but not naloxone-induced anorexia. In: Neurotransmitters and Their Receptors (eds.: Littauer, U.Z., Y. Dudai, I. Silman, V.I. Teichberg and Z. Vogel), Wiley, NY, 493-496.

  • M. Leshem and Frenk, H. (1979) Fenfluramine-like potentiation of morphine anorexia in lateral hypothalamic rats. International Research Communications in Science (Medical Science), 7: 210.

  • Blundell, J.E., Latham, C.J.L. and Leshem, M. (1976) Differences between the anorexic actions of amphetamine and fenfluramine: Possible effects on hunger and satiety. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 28: 471-477.

  • Blundell, J.E. and Leshem, M. (1975) Analysis of the mode of action of anorexic drugs. In: Advances in Obesity Research, Vol. 1 (ed. A. Howard), Newman, London, pp 368-371.

  • Blundell, J.E., Campbell, D.B. Leshem, M. and Tozer, R. (1975) Comparison of time course of the anorexic effect of amphetamine and fenfluramine with drug levels in blood. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 27: 187-192.

  • Blundell, J.E. and Leshem, M. (1975) The effect of 5-HTP on food intake and on the anorexic action of amphetamine and fenfluramine. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 27: 31-37.

  • Blundell, J.E. and Leshem, M. (1974) Hypothalamic lesions and drug-induced anorexia. Postgraduate Medical Journal, 51: (Suppl. 1), p. 45-54.

  • M. Leshem and Blundell, J.E. (1974) Interactive effect of fenfluramine and amphetamine on feeding in rats. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 26: 905-6.

  • Blundell, J.E. and Leshem, M. (1974) Central action of anorexic agents: effects of amphetamine and fenfluramine in rats with lateral hypothalamic lesions. European Journal of Pharmacology, 28:81-88.

  • Blundell, J.E. and Leshem, M. (1974) Temporal changes in amphetamine and fenfluramine anorexia following lateral hypothalamic lesions in rats. International Research Communications in Science (Neurobiol) 2: 1087.

  • Blundell, J.E., Latham, C.J.L. and Leshem, M. (1973) Biphasic action of a 5-HT inhibitor on fenfluramine-induced anorexia. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 25: 492-494.

  • Blundell, J.E. and Leshem, M. (1972) Dissociation of the effects of fenfluramine and amphetamine following intra-hypothalamic injection. British Journal of Pharmacology 47: 183-185.


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