Sodium Appetite references in red
Santollo J, Daniels D, Leshem M, Schulkin J. Sex Differences in Salt Appetite: Perspectives from Animal Models and Human Studies. Nutrients. 2023 Jan 1;15(1):208. doi: 10.3390/nu15010208. PMID: 36615865; PMCID: PMC9824138.
Leshem M, Shaul S. Vegans, vegetarians and omnivores differ in nutrient hedonics, salt and sweet preference and flavouring. Physiol Behav. 2022 Oct 15;255:113936. doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2022.113936. Epub 2022 Aug 2. PMID: 35931195.
Roseriet Beijers, Anat Scher, Hanit Ohana, Ayala Maayan-Metzger, Micah Leshem. Exposure to War prior to Conception: Maternal Emotional Distress forecasts Sex-specific Child Behavior Problems. In: Special Issue "Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders: Sociobiological and Intergenerational Predictors, Interventions, and Outcomes. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. . 2022 Mar 23;19(7):3802. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19073802. PMID: 35409484; PMCID: PMC8997367.
Zev Manevitz, Micah Leshem, Yuval Heled, Yoram Epstein, Barak Gershon, Einat Kodesh (2021) Exertional sodium loss does not increase immediate salt appetite or dietary sodium intake in athletes. Appetite, DOI:
Salt need needs investigation, Leshem M. British J Nutrition, 2020 123, 1312–1320
Acculturation of immigrant diet, basic taste responses and sodium appetite. Leshem M, Dessie-Navon H. J Nutr Sci. 2018 Jul 25;7:e21. doi: 10.1017/jns.2018.12 -
Body Image drawings dissociate ethnic differences and anorexia in adolescent girls. Galit Goldzak-Kunik, & Micah Leshem (2017) Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health. DOI : 10.1186/s13034-017-0150-y
Micah Leshem (2017) Salt Appetite is not increased in summer heat. Appetite 108: 28-31.
Shachar-Dadon A, Gueron-Sela N, Weintraub Z, Maayan-Metzger A, Leshem M. (2016) Pre-Conception War Exposure and Mother and Child Adjustment 4 Years Later. J Abnorm Child Psychol. 2016 Apr 15. [Epub ahead of print]
Micah Leshem (2015). Does salt increase thirst. Appetite, 85:70–75.
Joerg Bock, Julia Poeschel, Julia Schindler, Florian Boerner, Alice Schachar-Dadon, Neta Ferdman, Inna Geisler-Solomon, Micah Leshem, Katharina Anna Braun. Gerd Poeggel (2016) Transgenerational sex-specific impact of preconception stress on the development of dendritic spines and dendritic length in the medial prefrontal cortex. Brain Structure and Function. 221(2):855-63. doi: 10.1007/s00429-014-0940-4. Epub 2014 Nov 14
Khadeja Hendi, Micah Leshem (2014) Salt appetite in the elderly. British Journal of Nutrition, 112 :621-1627.
Pavel Goldstein & Micah Leshem (2014) Dietary sodium, added salt, and serum sodium associations with growth and depression in the U.S. general population. Appetite, 79:83-90.
Micah Leshem, Wisam Sliman, Souzan Taweel, Rana Shamshoum & Zaher Armaly. (2014) Patient mood flux on- and off-hemodialysis. Hemodialysis International, 18:488–494.
Micah Leshem. (2014). The human penchant for deranged salt balance. In: Neurobiology of body fluid homeostasis (transduction and integration). Eds: De Luca L, Menani JV, Johnson AK. Taylor & Francis Group. Series: Frontiers in Neuroscience Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press; 2014. Chapter 1.
Hiba Zaidan, Micah Leshem, Inna Gaisler-Salomon (2013) Prereproductive stress to female rats alters CRF1 expression in ova, and behavior and brain CRF1 expression in offspring. Biological Psychiatry, 74:680-7.
Goldzak-Kunik, G., Friedman, R., Spitz, M., Sandler, L., & Micah Leshem (2012) Intact Sensory Function In Anorexia Nervosa. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 95:272-82.
Micah Leshem & Jay Schulkin (2012) Transgenerational effects of infantile adversity & enrichment in male & female rats. Developmental Psychobiology, 54:169- 86.
Ricon T, Toth E, Leshem M, Braun K, & Richter-Levin G. (2012) Mild stress impairs coping abilities in adult rats but promotes resilience in juveniles. Stress, 54:169-86.
Micah Leshem. (2011) Low dietary sodium is anxiogenic in rats. Physiology & Behavior, 103, 453-458.
Goldzak-Kunik & Leshem, M. (2010) Sensory function is not compromised in anorexia nervosa. Psychoactualia, , 66-67 (Hebrew).
Verd, S., Amat, J.N., Gich, I., & Leshem, M. (2010) Salt preference of nursing mothers is associated with earlier cessation of exclusive breastfeeding. Appetite, Feb;54(1):233-6.
Micah Leshem (2009) The excess salt appetite of humans is not due to sodium loss in adulthood. Physiology & Behavior, 98, 331–337.
Micah Leshem (2009). Biobehavior of the human love of salt. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 33, 1-17.
Shachar-Dadon, A.. Schulkin, J. Leshem, M. (2009) Adversity before conception will affect adult progeny in rats. Developmental Psychology, 45, 9-16.
Bock J, Murmu RP, Ferdman N, Leshem M, Braun K. (2008) Refinement of dendritic and synaptic networks in the rodent anterior cingulate and orbitofrontal cortex: Critical impact of early and late social experience. Developmental Neurobiology, 68:685-95.
Erika Toth, Avi Avital, Micah Leshem, Gal Richter-Levin and Katharina Braun (2008). Neonatal and juvenile stress induces changes in adult social behavioral strategies without affecting cognitive function. Behavioural Brain Research, 190:135-9.
Micah Leshem, Amany Saadi, Nesreen Alem and Khadeja Hendi. (2008) Enhanced salt appetite, diet and drinking in traditional Bedouin women in the Negev. Appetite, 50: 71–82.
Shirazki A, Weintraub Z, Reich D, Gershon E, & Leshem M. (2007) Lowest neonatal serum sodium predicts sodium intake in low-birthweight children. American Journal of Physiology (Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology), 292(4):R1683-9.
Ferdman, N., Murmu, R.S., Bock, J. Braun, K. & Leshem, M. (2007) Weaning age, social isolation, and gender, interact to determine adult explorative and social behavior and dendritic spine morphology in prefrontal cortex of rats. Behavioural Brain Research 180: 174-182.
Leshem, M. & Sherman, M. (2006). Troubles shared are troubles halved: stress in rats is reduced in proportion to social propinquity. Physiology and Behavior, 89: 399-401
Omouessi, S.T., Chapleur, M., Leshem, M. & S.N. Thornton. (2006). Gender differences influence sodium intake and excretion more than obesity in Zucker rats repeatedly sodium depleted. Physiology & Behavior, 89: 576-581
M. Leshem, Sonia del Canho (2005) Ontogeny of urine preference and its relationship to NH4Cl preference and sodium hunger in suckling rat pups. Developmental Psychobiology. 46: 111-117.
Kochli, A., Rakover, Y., & M. Leshem.(2005) Salt appetite in patients with CAH-21-OH deficiency (congenital adrenal hyperplasia). American Journal of Physiology (Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology). 288(6):R1673-81.
Kavushansky, A. and Leshem, M. (2004) The role of oxytocin and vasopressin in the transitions of weaning in the rat. Developmental Psychobiology, 45 (4):1-9.
Leshem, M., A. Kavushansky, J-M. Devys, and S. Thornton (2004) Enhancement revisited: the effects of multiple depletions on sodium intake in rats vary with strain, substrain and gender. Physiology and Behavior, 82: 571-580.
Martin R. Yeomans, John E. Blundell and M. Leshem (2004) Palatability: response to nutritional need or need-free stimulation of appetite? British Journal of Nutrition. 92, Suppl. 1, S3–S14. Equal contributors
N. Wald and M. Leshem (2003) Salt conditions a flavor preference or aversion after exercise depending on NaCl dose and sweat loss. Appetite, 40: 277–284.
M. Leshem, Jacob Rudoy and Jay Schulkin (2003) Calcium taste preference and sensitivity in humans II: hemodialysis patients. Physiology and Behavior, 78: 409– 414.
M. Leshem, Tamy Katz-Levin, and Jay Schulkin (2003) Calcium taste preference and sensitivity in humans I: gender comparisons. Physiology and Behavior, 78: 403– 407.
M. Leshem, Tamar Levin and Jay Schulkin (2002) Intake and hedonics of calcium and sodium during pregnancy and lactation in the rat. Physiology and Behavior, 75:313-22.
Yoram Epstein and Leshem, M. (2002) Animal experimentation in Israel (Editorial). Harefuah 141: 358-361, 409 (Hebrew).
M. Leshem, Sonia Del Canho and Jay Schulkin. (1999) Calcium hunger in the parathyroidectomised rat is specific. Physiology and Behavior, 67: 555-559.
M. Leshem, Abutbul, A. and Eilon, R. (1999) Exercise increases the preference for salt in humans. Appetite, 32: 251-260.
M. Leshem, Sonia Del Canho and Jay Schulkin. (1999) Ontogeny of calcium preference in the parathyroidectomized rat. Developmental Psychobiology, 34: 293- 301.
M. Leshem (1999). The ontogeny of salt hunger in the rat. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 23: 649-659.
M. Leshem (1998) Salt preference in adolescence is predicted by common prenatal and childhood mineralofluid loss. Physiology & Behavior 63:699-704.
M. Leshem, Maroun, M. and Weintraub, Z. (1998) Neonatal diuretic therapy may not alter children’s preference for salt taste. Appetite 30: 53-64.
M. Leshem, and Y. Rudoy (1997) Hemodialysis increases the preference for salt in soup. Physiology and Behavior, 61: 65-69.
33. M. Leshem. Perinatal mineralofluid loss and sodium hunger throughout life. In: Hydration Throughout Life. M.J. Arnaud (ed), John Libbey Eurotext, 1998, 153-155.
M. Leshem (1997) Non-surgical acute intracerebroventricular injection in rat pups and adult rats. SSIB Ingestive Behavior Protocols, Eds. P. Wellman & B. Hoebel. SSIB, New York, NY.
M. Leshem, M. Maroun, and S. Del Canho (1996) Sodium depletion and maternal separation in the suckling rat increase its salt intake when adult. Physiology and Behavior, 59: 199-204
M. Leshem, M. Neufeld, and S. Del Canho (1994) Ontogeny of the ionic specificity of sodium appetite in the rat pup. Developmental Psychobiology, 27: 381-394.
M. Leshem, S. Del Canho, and A.N. Epstein (1994) Intracerebro-ventricular injection of renin in the neonatal rat reveals a precocious sodium appetite that is dissociated from renin-aroused thirst. Developmental Psychobiology, 27: 185-193.
M. Leshem, J. Langberg, A.N. Epstein (1993) Salt appetite consequent on sodium depletion in the suckling rat pup. Developmental Psychobiology, 26: 97-114.
M. Leshem, and E. Yehuda. (1991) The ontogeny of salt appetite aroused by depletion in the rat. Physiology and Behavior, 49: 161-163
M. Leshem, Frenk, H., Coghill, R.C. and Mayer, D.J. (1991) Paradoxical opiate specific paralytic effects of high doses of intracerebroventricular etorphine and fentanyl in rats. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 38: 475-478.
M. Leshem, F. W. Flynn, and A. N. Epstein (1990) Brain glucoprivation and ketoprivation do not promote ingestion in the suckling rat pup. American Journal of Physiology, 258 (Regulatory Integrative Comp. Physiol. 27): R365-R375.
M. Leshem (1989) Cranial puncture, a simple procedure requiring no preparatory surgery: validation by observation of drinking and salt appetite evoked by intracerebroventricular renin. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 29: 151-155
M. Leshem and A.N. Epstein. (1989) Ontogeny of renin-induced salt appetite in the rat pup. Developmental
M. Leshem, and A.N. Epstein. (1988) Thirst induced anorexias and the ontogeny of thirst in the rat. Developmental Psychobiology, 21: 651-662.
M. Leshem, B. Boggan, A.N. Epstein. (1988) The ontogeny of drinking evoked by activation of brain angiotensin in the rat pup. Developmental Psychobiology, 21: 63-75
M. Leshem (1988) Morphine induces delayed anorexia in rats. Psychopharmacology 94: 254-258.
M. Leshem and M. Kreider. (1987) Brain serotonin depletion and attachment behavior in rat pups. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 27: 7-14.
M. Leshem (1984) Suppression of feeding by naloxone in rats: a dose response comparison of anorexia and conditioned taste aversion. Psychopharmacology, 82: 127-130.
M. Leshem (1983) Morphine enhances taste preference and aversion: Evidence for opiate mediation in reinforcement or memory. International Research Communications in Science (Medical Science), 11: 700.
M. Leshem (1981) Ontogeny of fenfluramine and amphetamine anorexia compared in rat pups. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, 15: 859-863.
M. Leshem (1981) Morphine-induced anorexia in lateral hypothalamic rats. Psychopharmacology, 75: 48-53.
M. Leshem (1981) A Convenient feeder for measurement of consumption of powdered food in rats. Physiology and Behavior, 27: 391-392.
M. Leshem (1981) The anorexic potency of drugs is differentially influenced in various rat models of feeding. International Research Communications in Science (Medical Science), 9: 111.
M. Leshem and Frenk, H. (1980) Lesions of the lateral hypothalamus potentiate morphine - but not naloxone-induced anorexia. In: Neurotransmitters and Their Receptors (eds.: Littauer, U.Z., Y. Dudai, I. Silman, V.I. Teichberg and Z. Vogel), Wiley, NY, 493-496.
M. Leshem and Frenk, H. (1979) Fenfluramine-like potentiation of morphine anorexia in lateral hypothalamic rats. International Research Communications in Science (Medical Science), 7: 210.
Blundell, J.E., Latham, C.J.L. and Leshem, M. (1976) Differences between the anorexic actions of amphetamine and fenfluramine: Possible effects on hunger and satiety. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 28: 471-477.
Blundell, J.E. and Leshem, M. (1975) Analysis of the mode of action of anorexic drugs. In: Advances in Obesity Research, Vol. 1 (ed. A. Howard), Newman, London, pp 368-371.
Blundell, J.E., Campbell, D.B. Leshem, M. and Tozer, R. (1975) Comparison of time course of the anorexic effect of amphetamine and fenfluramine with drug levels in blood. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 27: 187-192.
Blundell, J.E. and Leshem, M. (1975) The effect of 5-HTP on food intake and on the anorexic action of amphetamine and fenfluramine. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 27: 31-37.
Blundell, J.E. and Leshem, M. (1974) Hypothalamic lesions and drug-induced anorexia. Postgraduate Medical Journal, 51: (Suppl. 1), p. 45-54.
M. Leshem and Blundell, J.E. (1974) Interactive effect of fenfluramine and amphetamine on feeding in rats. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 26: 905-6.
Blundell, J.E. and Leshem, M. (1974) Central action of anorexic agents: effects of amphetamine and fenfluramine in rats with lateral hypothalamic lesions. European Journal of Pharmacology, 28:81-88.
Blundell, J.E. and Leshem, M. (1974) Temporal changes in amphetamine and fenfluramine anorexia following lateral hypothalamic lesions in rats. International Research Communications in Science (Neurobiol) 2: 1087.
Blundell, J.E., Latham, C.J.L. and Leshem, M. (1973) Biphasic action of a 5-HT inhibitor on fenfluramine-induced anorexia. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 25: 492-494.
Blundell, J.E. and Leshem, M. (1972) Dissociation of the effects of fenfluramine and amphetamine following intra-hypothalamic injection. British Journal of Pharmacology 47: 183-185.